The human ear is a very complex organ. What you see outside isjust a small part of it – the outer ear. The inner ear is insideyour head and it contains a series of tiny bones and membranes withtwo crucial roles: to allow you to hear and to maintain your senseof balance. When you suffer from inner ear disorders, such asMeniere’s Disease, you have the sensation that the world isspinning around you. In this article, our specialists explain thebenefits of choosing chiropractic for inner ear disorders.
What Causes Inner Ear Disorders?
The most common causes of inner ear disorders are variousinjuries and sudden trauma. People who were involved in a caraccident suffered a severe slip and fall, or had a heavy objectfalling down on them are likely to develop this condition. At aphysical level, the issue is caused by even the slightest change inthe natural position of each tiny element inside the inner ear. Itcan be made even worse by misalignments in the spinal vertebraewhich prevent the nerves that connect the brain to the ear fromworking properly.
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How Can Chiropractic for Inner Ear Disorders HelpPatients?
Chiropractors have a different approach from other healthcareprofessionals. They do not focus solely on the injured part, but onthe person as a whole. In many cases, the root cause of pain in apart of the body is located in a different part – in many casesalong the spine.
Why is this so? The spinal cord is the superhighway that allows thebrain to control your entire body through nerves. Pain, numbness,and the sensation of vertigo may be caused by poor communicationbetween the brain and the respective body part. In turn, this poorcommunication may be caused by a nerve pinched or otherwiseobstructed by spine misalignments.
Thus, the purpose of chiropractic for inner ear disorders is toidentify and resolve the spine problems which cause most of thenegative symptoms you experience, especially dizziness andvertigo.
The Chiropractor’s Approach to Treating Inner EarDisorders
Spine manipulations are a very general term for a complex rangeof precise movements. Each of them aims to correct spinalmisalignments, without causing harm or discomfort to the patient.In certain situations, chiropractic for inner ear disordersinvolves specialized equipment, such as the drop table or thetraction table. Each of these pieces of equipment allows thechiropractor to work precisely and with maximum safety for thepatient.
Inner ear disorders can be healed by chiropractic in two ways:
1. By Allowing Spinal Fluid to FlowFreely
The sense of balance can be compromised when spinal subluxationscause spinal fluid to build up in the inner ear. This causespressure on the small bones that give you the sense of up, down,right, and left.
Once the misalignment is resolved, the spinal fluid will drain fromthe inner ear and the patient will stop feeling dizzy anddisoriented. Chiropractic for inner ear disorders is the onlynon-invasive procedure that solves this specific type of issue.
2. By Restoring Nervous SystemCommunications
When we say that the inner ear creates the sense of balance, wemean that the brain interprets the movement signals and generatesthe sense of walking ahead, turning right or left.
Thus, when the nerves cannot transmit the signals from the innerear to the brain properly, you feel that you are standing in themiddle of a fast-spinning carousel. By resolving subluxations ofthe vertebrae, the chiropractor will allow the nerve to transmitsignals without interruptions.
The improved communication within the nervous system will reducethe sensation of vertigo and lack of balance. Patients can returnto their usual activities confidently.
If you suffer from any symptoms associated with inner eardisorders, one of our experienced chiropractors is ready to helpyou. Call us now to schedule your first appointment!
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